Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Iceland - One year later

It is hard to believe that a year ago, we were coming back from 10 days in Iceland. Now we are looking forward to Colby, Annie, Haley and wild child (hair wise)* Darcy going there later this year.

*At times it appears to me anyway that Darcy has this 80's big hair action going on. You would almost think she was from New Jersey.

At the time, I didn't realize how the kids would be affected by the time there. They still talk about it and have fond memories of it. Both David and Jonny aren't fond of the heat and hot weather of Virginia's summers. When we talk about where they would like to live someday, Iceland is a place that comes up frequently. Hmmm. Nancy and I are praying that God would be working in their hearts and develop a passion for ministry and missions.

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