He set a spring trap with peanut butter and surprise, dead mouse in it by morning. I hope there is not a family still in our garage somewhere.
School: I am in a marriage class and am enjoying it. We have to counsel a couple. It is very interesting. I think I am going to like marriage counseling which is good, b/c that is what I am going into.
NYC: I get to go to NYC twice-this weekend by myself and in December just Dave and I. I am excited and looking forward to seeing my brother and his new apartment (which is still in renovation stage but still).
Sleep studies: Jonny and I are getting sleep studies in the next 2 weeks. I hope they can figure out some helps for our inattention, hyperactivity and lack of sleeping ability.
Couches: I briefly thought about buying new couches a few months ago and praised God I did not b/c one kid spilled soda all over the couch and my kids got chocolate on it. The couch and love seat in my family room are from when I was a teenager (you do the math).
Exercise: I went back to weight lifting at least 2x/week-soreness! Was doing well with running but this week was too much working and headaches!
Kids: They need to slow down! Marching band is over but soccer is still going this week-it is dragging worse than the World Series!
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