Friday, March 14, 2008


So I, Nancy, in addition to going to the chiropractor, have now gone to a naturopath who studies functional medicine. It is fascinating. I have to overhaul my diet (for example, no dairy, no soy, no white sugar, flour, etc), organic, more raw vegies and fruits, etc). She is also helping me take the supplements that I really need! I think I was buying whatever the studies said to buy and was spending more than what I will with her. I am getting blood tests and hair analysis and this funky pressure point test that help her determine where I am weak or dysfunctioning. So my food bill is going up but we are all going to eat healthier. (She is big on soups which does not make my kids happy but my kids will just have to "suck it up" literally). More later-have to go to work.

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