Sunday, August 17, 2008

Getting a grip for the fall

Good thing Dave has posted a bit regularly or we would be out of the Pelt's good graces at least as far as blogging.

School: I start a new class tomorrow on cultural diversity. I am supposed to do one of the papers on my cultural identity. I don't feel like I have one which is how a lot of Northern European Americans feel according to my textbooks. I can't even interview my parents or grandparents as I do not have any now. Should be interesting to figure this out. Plus, Northern European Americans are bashed in most of the books as we are the domineering and privileged majority that have suppressed everyone else for hundreds of years. (An interesting fact: The Native Americans started out at 12.5million 400 years ago and by the 1980 were down to only 237,000 people). At least I am a woman!

Exercise: I have been contemplating the sprint triatholons and have been running, biking and swimming like a good little cross trainer. I was wondering about my bike though (bought from a garage sale, heavy, only 3 speeds, etc). So, yesterday I went into the bike shop to see what they could do with my bike. Well you guessed it, surprise, surprise, "You might as well buy a new bike" which I wasn't going to do, but he went on to say in the same breath, "We have 1 year free financing" and so that did it. I ended up settling for a hybrid (cross between a mountain ad road/racing bike) and some paraphenalia with it. Needless to say, the new 4 hour shifts at work will help pay the monthly payment for the year. Now I really feel pressured to ride.

Vacations: This has been an amazing summer for me as I went away for over 7 weeks between school, youth camp and family vacations. I really enjoy traveling but the summer is pretty much done leaving me to wonder where it went. We are definitely Kayak fanatics now and hope to find 3 double kayaks gently used so we can all go out on the lakes and rivers in the area. We enjoyed Myrtle Beach and St Augustine, FA-our first time at both. We saw lots of friends and family this summer and caught up a bit. Now I am working like a maniac to "catch up" a bit. Not everything is free financing.

Kids: Jonny's feet are now a size 9 men's and he is not even 11 years old. David just keeps getting bigger. Elizabeth is almost my height. I just bought Arianna size 10 clothes thinking they would be big-they fit nice. I am so proud of them all and I think they enjoyed the summer too.

Health: I am putting a plug in for the Natural Health place across from the New Marriot Hotel on Rt 1. The certified nutritionist there, Beverly, is very good and knowledgeable and has helped me a lot to figure out the maze of supplements to take or not. I am glad I have finally come to rest on that.

Bunco: I played Bunco for the first time last night with women at church. I had the most baby buncos. Colby and Annie, there is NO skill to that came-it is pure luck.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

There is a kayak place in F'burg on Fall Hill Avenue. At the end of the season, they sell used kayaks pretty cheap. I am ot sure if they have doubles or not. Jonathan bought his their a couple of years ago and it was in great shape. He can give you more info.
Jennifer Davis