Thursday, May 03, 2007


I have started school-I almost quit before I started -this is very difficult for me. But now I have started, so here goes. If I quit now, I would lose money and feel like a failure, so that is motivating me. I hope to get in the swing and some kind of groove soon. I had a 250 word "paper" to do this week and post on the discussion board with references and over 100 pages to read (one being an article where I had to read almost every sentence twice to get it-definetely not fluff reading). Then I suppose I should try to get ahead and start next week's assignments and the research paper that is due at the end of the 8 weeks-now almost down to seven. This is hard for me-not to get freaked out by all this and not having the book. I am trying to take a deep breath and pray. I am so weak still in this area though.

My son David just ran the 400meter in his first track meet today-fun to watch him and my other friends' kids.

Elizabeth did her focus project today-after they lost her original display board (or someone took it), and she redid the display. God bless her and her calm attitude. They said she did well.

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