Sunday, May 06, 2007

The value of mothers

Last week, Reuters reported that a stay at home mom would earn $138,095 as an annual wage. Paul Spears, a professor at the Torrey Honors Institue at Biola University, wrote about this last week. I encourage you to read this post in its entirety to gain a deeper understanding of everything moms do.

Quoting Paul,
I look at all that women do, and I am overwhelmed. I am not foolish enough to think that I can properly undertake all that they do, and do it with the same skill and grace. I look at the number of 138,095, and as I think of it that seems like a gross underestimation of what they truly deserve, but as this Mothers Day comes along (May 13) we need to remember the types of sacrifices our wives and mothers made for us. We need to realize how easy it is to undervalue all that they do. We need to take the time to express to them just how much we appreciate all that they take on daily. No, $138,095 cannot properly express all of the love, time, concerns and prayers our wives and mothers give to us daily.

Nancy, I don't understand everything you do but I know you do so much with passion, love and excellence. You are a great mother to our family and we appreciate and love you for all you do.

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