Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Stupid Little Stuff That Makes Life Better

I'm a huge baseball fan, especially the Minnesota Twins. I like baseball more than any other sport, even football and NASCAR. Recently I've been reading Joe Posnanski's blog at He is a baseball writer in Kansas City who talks a lot of sports but will throw in commentary on politics/life/being a dad. He doesn't seem to like Dan Marino, but that's okay.

He recently wrote a column talking about the Stupid Little Stuff that makes life better. Stuff like waiting to read the credits in a movie, Diet Pepsi/Diet Coke, Chinese Restaurants that pile food on your plate, the 60 minutes clock. The comments are great to read as well.

So, some of the Stupid Little Stuff That Makes Life Better

- Fresh roasted coffee (home roasted). No coffee place including Starbucks can make coffee as good as a home roast. Nancy and I went to a restaurant in Richmond that served their coffee in a coffee press. What a restaurant. Even the food was good.

- Coming home on a Sunday night and hearing Jon Miller and Joe Morgan calling a baseball game on ESPN. I don't even have to watch the game or care about the teams. I love listening to them call a game.

- Chinese places such as the Panda Express do pile on the Chinese food.

What are some of your Stupid Little Things that make life better?

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