Monday, October 27, 2008


Counseling degree? I am trying to figure out which counseling degree to complete-licensed professional or marriage and family. They are almost the same except for a couple of courses. My advisor mentioned to call the places I want to work eventually which I did and of course got only answering machines. Hopefully they will call back. I am leaning toward Licensed Professional counseling since it is more broad and what I want to do (you were right Annie). 

Illness-to go to Doctor or not? I have been sick all week with the peak this weekend. Today I am giving myself a sick day=slept until 1pm and am still in pjs. Hopefully I rounded the corner toward wellness.

Jonny-drugs/not, homeschool/public-the jury is still out on the schooling but we are not doing drugs. Now we just need to implement the diet, supplements, behavioral tips found in the book I ordered. Homeschool is waiting until at least next year.

Work: Still haven't heard from 3rd job, hospital only gave me about 1 day a week and not much from the surgery center. So we are in waiting mode. The Stafford hospital does not have a PRN position open. For now I am enjoying some time off.

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