Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Season

This is the earliest I have had all my presents wrapped thanks mostly to Elizabeth. I would have liked it if she would have wrapped her own presents, but she drew the line there. I have mailed my cards and baked (again mostly Elizabeth) over half of the things we wish to bake. I always enjoyed December 18th for some reason. Possibly because a lot of the busyness and events are done, it is more peaceful and yet there is still pleasant anticipation for Christmas. So I plan to enjoy this last calmer week by baking a bit more and doling it out to whomever such as work, neighbors, friends. After all, my cheesecake did go for $50 at the youth auction and I heard today the person would have paid $100 if the bidding had kept going! That was an ego boost. Some of these old recipes are really worth it.

Jonny: we are done with the testing at the counseling center and I will probably get the results and hopefully some help after the holidays. We had a bad morning today and this unnerved me until I had another friend over who also struggles with her 13 year old daughter.

My friend: I keep reminding myself how precious it is to have and be with my children especially as my friend's daughter is spending Christmas in the hospital with a severe illness like leukemia. She ate our bread and cookies which I feel blessed for the chance to serve her.

Book: I am in the middle of "To Kill a Mockingbird"-don't think I have ever read it. Seems good so far-told from the perspective of a 6 year old in the south. I also grabbed a book of poetry in the library called:Littlefoot by Charles Wright. I have a hard time understanding much poetry but this opening part was interesting:
"It may not be written in any book, but it is written--
You can't go back,
                                you can't repeat the unrepeatable.
No matter how fast you drive, or how hard the slide show 
Of memory flicks and releases,
It's always some other place,
                                                   some other car in the drive in the driveway,
Someone unrecognizable about to open the door.

Nevertheless, like clouds in their nebulous patterns,
We tend to recongregate
                                             in the exitless blue
And try to relive our absences.
What else have we got to d0?...

This book is according to the back flap, the author's meditation on mortality, search for a road map in the skies and for last instructions regarding the "other side of my own death". He is 70 yrs old. It will be interesting how he answers himself and his other question, "Will you miss me when I am gone?"

Dave and I: we have been able to finally carve out some time together-mostly working out in the club due to the weather. We went 2x this week just us 2 which was nice. I am so concerned with our marriage especially as so many of the marriages crumble around us.

David and music: We just returned from David's band concert tonight-the concert band, jazz band and wind ensemble played. David is in wind ensemble. It was excellent. Many students especially the female gender, said goodbye to David. I believe they agree with me, that he is "so cute".

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