Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Keeping up a house

I come home from errands yesterday around 3:45pm to see the nice neighbor boy picking up something in our front yard. I looked up over the garage and the vent cover and 1/2 our siding in that section was off or hanging off. So he was picking up pieces of my houses! Dave usually repairs this-happened before but not to such an extent-but this time the pieces are broken. So off to Lowes we go in hopes of matching the siding and initiating yet another project for Dave!
God bless him that he is so handy and willing to do all this. I will make him wait until the wind is not 40-50 miles/hr before he goes up on the roof and a ladder. (This wind is what ripped the siding off in the first place-at least the roof is still on so far!)

It is back to cold here-20-30 degrees with a wind chill of low teens. Too much wind for me! I am glad I go to the gym.

Dave and I come home the Saturday night to find a note at the top of the stairs-"the toylit is clog" from our dear Arianna. At least she told us!

I am amused at how my brother's blog shows pictures of Arianna and me side by side and how much he thinks we look alike. I am glad one of the children look so much like me. David II looks just like his father. Elizabeth and Jonny are mixes. It is good and bad that Arianna also is a lot like me in personality/spirit. We have our pluses but being strung out/ freaked out often is not one of them! I must do a lot of praying with her!

Supposed to snow here again tonight into the AM-only an inch but school will be closed again I am sure. Kids home-oh joy beyond all measure!

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