Thursday, March 22, 2007


Today I went to Arianna's school to talk about nursing. She is in kindergarten. It was fun and of course instead of asking questions, they wanted to tell me stories of when they went to the doctor. One girl said she got a big needle stuck right in her forehead-not sure what that meant. Not sure I wanted to know. One little boy was a diabetic and had an insulin pump. At first I felt sorry for him but he does well everyone says and doesn't let it affect him. What a great way to be.

I stayed for the 4-5th grade chorus concert. 2 of my friends' kids were in it and they couldn't be there so I was glad I went. Besides, I love music anyway. They sang songs I haven't heard in a while like Michael Jackson's ABC, Lean on Me, Swing Low, Ain't No Mountain High Enough. I knew every one of them. I am getting old,but it was nice to reminesce.

I am on Day 4 of the little to no carb South Beach diet. I do not have a headache-yay! I have lost 2 lbs already and feel good so far today. Stomach is definetely flatter. I hope I am on my way to kicking the carb addiction but I know I will have to watch it my whole life.

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