Thursday, March 15, 2007

Physical weather and a stormy life

It has been 80+ degrees the last 2 days here and yet this weekend it might snow?! So unpredictable.
But then, we are very unpredictable.
I got another call from Jonny's teacher today. It seems when I talked to him I forgot to mention the substitute and specials' teachers. He is taking advantage of those times. The teacher said he has spring fever. I said it is going to be a looooooong spring! She said he is not doing his best work and he can do better. Aparently he is just flying through assignments to get them over with and go play. Then she said something interesting: don't we all do that when we get the chance? That got me thinking-how many times do I rush through something and not do my best just to get through it and do what I really want to do? What kind of example is that for my children? Am I fooling them, or rather, am I fooling God? I am not even really fooling myself-just settling for second best. So I had a good cry with the teacher and we are moving on with hope (and lots of prayer for Jonny and for me).
I will let you know how the storm plays out-outside and inside of Jonny and me!

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