Monday, December 29, 2008
Ski Retreat Update:
David going down the black diamond without falling
Paul, Jacob, Jonny, Elizabeth, and Stephanie skiing the first time.
Elizabeth wanting to go down a black diamond (she went down several blues).
Stephanie going all the way to the top of the mountain and wondering why she was up there and how she would get down. She made it down with minimal tumbles.
Paul wiping out numerous times but still going all the way to the top and coming down with us.
It has been a great time and a time of growth for all of us. Right now I'm tired but in a good tired way. Still one more night and a long drive back to Stafford.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The heat pump is dying
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Season
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Deck the Halls
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Off to Iceland
Friday, December 05, 2008
Great reading
With writing from musicians such as Andrew Peterson, Ron Block (Alison Krauss and Union Station) to pastors such as Matt Conner and Russ Ramsey, the posts are thought provoking and fun to read. Often times they draw from Frederick Buechner or Kierkegaard, people I normally read or follow.
I'm especially captivated by the current series of advent posts and will be writing another post related to waiting, quietness and the coming of Christ.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving and other trivia
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The dinner started at lunchtime with pumpkin soup flavored with a kick and bread/cheese. The cousins came and we had fun playing and finishing the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade leading up to dinner. Everyone was watching Uncle Jonny cook the turkey and commenting on how he could be a chef. Dinner was exciting, food crowding the table, people eating, drinking, and being merry. Everything was delicious. Uncle Jonny has
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Dining Room - Before and After
Monday, November 17, 2008
Taking back the blog
Friday, November 14, 2008
Iceland Economy
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Halloween and vacation
Monday, November 03, 2008
She does it in such a great, gracious way. Not perfectly and not always. However, I wouldn't have it any other way. That's why being with her is as close to paradise as it gets.
heart warming addition
Heart warming and other news
Monday, October 27, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
School: I now officially have 24 credits toward my Master's. I ended up enjoying the culture diversity class and made friends with the Native Americans near us.
Ariannaism: Mommy, look at me I can do a bend back! That's back bend Arianna, but cute and worth noting.
ADD: I refuse to give Jonny medicine which may affect his heart!!!!!!!!!!!! So we are going for diet changes (all of us during the week at least), and supplements and tips. I ordered a book on-line which I hope helps.
Triathlon: Dave and I finished in just under an hour and a half. I was about what I thought in the swimming and a bit slower than I would have liked in the running. I never seem to get faster and it never seems to get easier but at least I am doing it and not going backwards (for now).
No coffee=PMS: I have observed that people who drink at least 2 cups of strong coffee a day such as my husband and other friends who shall remain nameless have almost the equivalent symptoms as PMS sufferers when they don't get any coffee for the day or even the morning. Headache, cranky, tired, irritable,etc. So, either quit totally and drink occassionally like one of our friends is doing, or drink the 2 cups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Birthdays: Dave turned 42, David II turned 15, Jonny turned 11 and Arianna turned 8 all this fall!
Braces: Elizabeth has another year plus to even start braces. It seems that the Fauths lose their baby teeth and gain adult teeth late-lucky for us. (Dave lost his last baby tooth in college!) I do like the orthodontist I found on a recommendation so that is a praise for 2010.
Dining Room: It looks amazing. Dave is doing a great job. I think he was ready to take me out when I asked if we could add a chair rail. I believe he will get done by Thanksgiving which is the goal.
Comedy: We are going to see my favorite comedian tomorrow night-will let you all know how great he was (David and Elizabeth are going with me as Dave is in Seattle for a day!)
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Iceland Economy
It was also built on a massive inflow of funds into the country's banks and highly leveraged raids on the riches of Western Europe. By the start of this year, Iceland's three banks had foreign liabilities of more than $100bn– dwarfing the country's gross domestic product of $14bn.
Now, suddenly, everything may be gone, the economy wiped out with the same cataclysmic devastation that was regularly visited on the land by the eruptions and plagues of earlier centuries.
As Colby and Annie prepare to Iceland, please pray for their opportunities to share the good news to a lost and huring nation.
Monday, October 06, 2008
After the last tear falls....
Oceans and oceans
Of love and love again
We'll see how the tears that have fallen
Were caught in the palms
Of the Giver of love and the Lover of all
And we'll look back on these tears as old tales
'Cause after the last tear falls
There is love
Words and music by Andrew Osenga & Andrew Peterson
Friday, October 03, 2008
Liking our jobs/ADD/School
2. I am taking Jonny to be checked for ADD or perhaps other learning issues. We sure do eat our words sometimes (or often in my case) especially when we judge others. I used to judge others about their kids and potty training and then one of my children was 3 years old and 8 months before he was trained. Now, I thought that ADD was overdone in its diagnosis and perhaps it is, or even that it didn't exist at all but was just some label to give parents a way out from taking responsibility for their parenting. Well, now the teacher is saying that is what she thinks Jonny has and all these years of school frustration could possibly be helped. I do have a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth though.
3. School is over next weekend for me.We are going to our first Indian Pow wow this Sunday-part of my assignment for school. My whole family is going which is nice. I interviewed a Cherokee which was interesting-still makes me cringe at what whites have done to all these people and that I am white, but God holds me responsible for what I do and I am interested in all people and cultures.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thoughts, kids, biking
Monday, September 15, 2008
Races, times, school, kids, birthdays, LIFE
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Hanging clothes
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Funnies from son David
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Getting a word in edgewise
Tag Team - Call Me Crazy
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Keilan's Departure
- Impromptu jam session in the family room
- Falling asleep while watching Florida/Auburn football game only to wake up at the end when Auburn won. Keilan wasn't a happy camper.
- Wii tournaments and his Bob Marley Mii.
- Keilan and Jonny playing basketball.
- Listening to his first recordings and getting a copy of that. He is some talent.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Wild Goose Chase

Mark Batterson, author of Wild Goose Chase, is the pastor of National Community Church in Washington, D.C., and an avid blogger. His best selling book In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day launched his speaking series about chasing lions—also known as huge, God-given opportunities.
Most of us will have no idea where we are going most of the time. And I know that is unsettling. But circumstantial uncertainty also goes by another name: Adventure.” --from the introduction
- "Don't make a living. Make a life."
- Quit playing defense.
- Quit putting eight-foot ceilings on what God can do.
- Chase the Goose
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Brian Regan
I checked his website and saw that he is going to be in Frederick, Maryland on Thursday, October 23rd so last night I scored us some tickets to go see him. Looking forward to it immensely.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Olympics - Iceland style
What really captured my attention were some of the quotes from Iceland's President. Quotes such as:
"Have none of you been to Iceland? Oh well you've seriously got to come, you don't know what you're missing. First of all it's not cold. Second, or rather reverse order, the girls are the prettiest in the world." -- Iceland's first lady, Dorrit Moussaieff.
Iceland President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson: It's very difficult to present a too positive picture of Iceland, because in many ways it's a dream country. It was for centuries one of the poorest countries in Europe. A nation which was under foreign rule. And we succeeded to gain our independence and establish the republic in the middle of the last century, and we have now reached one of the highest standards of living in the world. Our energy is 100 percent clean.
Everybody can read and write. And it's a country without fear, without terror. Our open, free, democratic society. So when my friends from the United States come to Iceland, they don't really believe that such a country exists. And what happened here tonight will be yet another unbelievable aspect of the dream country that Iceland really is."
However, having been to Iceland, the dream country is missing the knowledge of the gospel and a saving relationship with Christ. Just another reminder of the need for people like Colby and Annie to sacrifice and take the gospel to a lost and dying world.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wild Goose Chase and How Small I am
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Book Review: God Loves Me More Than That, and When God Created My Toes
Summary: In two new books from best-selling children’s author Dandi Daley Mackall, clever rhymes and delightful illustrations help young children, ages three and up, understand God’s huge love for them and his joy in creating them. These enchanting picture books from the writer-illustrator team of Dandi Mackall and David Hohn will instill awe in young children as they revel in each page. Parents alike will appreciate the engaging stories that communicate God’s perfect plan and his divine purpose for little hearts.
In God Loves Me More Than That, children learn that God loves them deeper than a wishing well, wider than a semi-truck, louder than thunder, and softer than a kitten’s sneeze. Each question, presented with charming child-like faith will help young ones grasp the great love of God through comparisons and descriptions they can easily understand. In short, they’ll discover that His love is bigger, wider, higher, and deeper than anything they could imagine!
In When God Made My Toes, kids are drawn into the wonder of their creation by God. Their masterful artist who fashioned them just right for amazing and delightful adventures, such as roller skating, finger-painting, doing flips, and drinking cocoa. Children will come to an understanding that God shaped each part of their amazing bodies with joy, delight, and humor.
These books are written for the younger child. Both are excellent choices for first graders or younger who can easily read and grasp the concepts of God's love and creation. Both books are available at Amazon.
Author Bio: Dandi Daley Mackall has published more than 400 books for children and adults, with more than 3 million combined copies sold. She is the author of WaterBrook’s two other delightful Dandilion Rhymes books, A Gaggle of Geese & A Clutter of Cats and The Blanket Show. A popular keynote speaker at conferences and Young Author events, Mackall lives in rural Ohio with her husband, three children, and a menagerie of horses, dogs, and cats.
Book Review - God Gave us Heaven
Little Cub awakens one morning with some important questions on her mind: What is heaven like? How do we get there? Will we eat in heaven? Will we be angels?
During a delightful day spent wandering their arctic world, Papa gently answers each question, assuring Little Cub that heaven is a wonderful place, “a million times better” than she can imagine. He explains how God has made a way for those who love him to enter their heavenly home forever after their lives on earth are over.
My kids loved this book and it presented a biblically sound picture of how they have a way to enter this heavenly home forever. For example, the little cub asks if he will be an angel but is told no as angels were created for a purpose. Just as we are looking towards a heavenly feast, so is little cub anxiously awaiting a feast of fish in heaven. This is an excellent choice for younger kids and parents, grandparents and librarians will love it. The pictures are great and the story is easy to read.
Through captivating, full-color illustrations and tender, biblically sound storytelling, young readers and those who love them will find reasons to rejoice in knowing that God Gave Us Heaven.
God Gave Us Heaven is available at Amazon.
Author Bio: Lisa Tawn Bergren is the award-winning author of nearly thirty titles, totaling more than one million books in print. She writes in a broad range of genres, from adult fiction to devotional. God Gave Us Heaven is Lisa’s fourth children’s book, following in the tradition of the best-selling God Gave Us You. She makes her home in Colorado, with her husband, Tim, and their children, Olivia, Emma, and Jack.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Camera woes
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Getting a grip for the fall
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
- Lots of Waffle Houses in the south
- Saw Keilan at the Creech compound.
- Saw a van with an air condition unit in the back window and a portable generator on back of the van
- Went kayaking several times in Florida
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pet peeve / prayer request
The Fauth Tribe
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Camp and Dave
So now my tribute to Dave ( I have to do this often because I want to remind myself and everyone else how amazing he is).
I was running this morning and came across the song written out below by Colbie Callat and thought about Dave immediately. After our first date 20 years ago! (see previously blog by Dave) and when he started to write to me, I realized what a different person he was and is than me and maybe the rest of the world. Like the song says, he really does want to make people smile and show how much he cares for them. He does this by 1. his quiet, subtle jokes, 2. by his constant service and 3. his generosity. He was unable to go to camp this year which I know was a big sacrifice for him and so the youth had a moment of silence for him and chanted DSF (his initials) when we returned home and saw him in the parking lot. Anyway, you still make me smile! And I am glad I am your lady. Thanks to Colbie Callat for her consistent sappy love songs.
Colbie Callat-Oxygen
I came apart inside a world made of angry people.
I found a boy who had a dream, making everyone smile.
He was sunshine, I fell over.
My feet like the rays under the water.
And how am I supposed to tell you how I feel
I need oxygen!
Oh baby if I was your lady
I would make you happy
I'm never gonna leave.
Oh baby I will be your lady.
I am going crazy for you.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
We're back
School: I am completing my paper today for school and then I should have completed 21 credits if I passed these last 2 courses-still don't know grades yet. I have a break until August 18th which is nice because we have one more vacation to FA and SC before that. I do have a test to take at work on heart arrythmias in the meantime.
Book: I read a great book while in SD called The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. This gentleman was born in 1960 and was a professor at the University of Virginia and then at Carnegie Mellon University in PA. He was diagnosed in 2006 with pancreatic cancer and has a wife and 3 small children under the age of 6. So, he was forced to retire and give his last lecture. The book is worth reading and you can see/hear his lecture at but here are a few highlights:
Apparently, he was a know-it-all and a bit proud. People were irritated with him. Finally a professor he admired told him: "It is a shame that people perceive you as being so arrogant because it's going to limit what your are going to be able to accomplish in life." He was able to change after that.
Brick walls (obstacles in life that seem impossible to scale or get through) are there for a reason: they give us a chance to show how badly we want something.
Not everything needs to be fixed (he told his wife after she had crashed both cars but they still worked).
Tips: Time must be explicitly managed, like money.
You can always change your plan, but only if you have one.
Are you spending time on the right things?
Develop a good filing system.
Rethink the telephone.
Take a time out.
Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.
It can be a very disruptive thing for parents to have specific dreams for their kids. Rather, a parent's job is to encourage kids to develop a joy for life and a great urge to follow their dreams.
Dream big. Be earnest. Don't complain, work harder. Treat the disease, not the symptoms. Don't obsess over what people think. Look for the best in all people. Watch what people do, not what they say.
Running: Before I left SD I was able to run over 4miles straight. So on July 4th I join the 600+ people in Fredericksburg to run 5 miles. I had a great time. I not only did it, but I ran the whole thing with no walking and managed to finish in 47minutes which is a 9.4 minute pace. I was proud of myself and praised God the whole way that I could do this. I do have some soreness in my left lower leg so have been walking gingerly on it. I do need new sneakers. We ended up staying in Fredericksburg on the 4th to see the tiny parade, look through the craft show, and see a juggler then we went home. We had some friends for dinner and saw the fireworks at Lunga and got a bit wet and muddy, but they were grand nonetheless.
Youth camp: I am departing for GA to youth camp tomorrow bright and early. Will I ever catch up on my sleep?
Saturday, June 28, 2008
South Dakota
Movie Review: Last night we were able to go see Kung Fu Panda ($4 adults, $2 kids/students-gotta love the country). It was an entertaining movie with surprisingly good truths. The "master" told the panda that yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future but today is a gift-that is why they call it the present! I'd recommend going.
Running: yesterday Dave and I just walked the 4 miles around the section. His knee continues to bother him. We plan to get new sneakers (although if anyone has any suggestions as to how to go about doing that, feel free to let us know-we've paid from $30 to over $100, gone to different stores, etc. and have not come across anything that is a perfect fit), get supplements of glucosamine/chnondroitin/MSM, build up our quad and hamstring muscles, maybe go to the Doctor? My knees are fine so far but I have had trouble in the past. Anyway, today I decided to run myself and then walk with Dave later. It was very windy-up to 40mph gusts and cool, so I kept going and going until I did 4.25 miles straight!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. I had some resistance from the wind and my hair was everywhere (it blew off my headband) and the route was relatively flat, but I still was so excited and praised God for allowing my body to still work well. So while I cannot feel the fat oozing out of my body as my friend can, I did feel very healthy and alive. I hope I continue to feel this great.
South Dakota: As I was running today, I noticed (as I have before) how beautiful the plains of SD are. It has been cool, breezy, and clear here so everything is really green and one can see for miles because it is so flat. (By the way, Dave told me that a section is a square mile and covers 640 acres). The sky is amazing here because it is so big and is not blocked by anything. I can see the draw of living here although I will stick to just visiting.
New life: Here, there is a momma cat that has had 4 kittens. All live outside although they have access to the shed. The girls are in love with the kittens. We moved their home the other day by moving all the junk metal away from the side of the garage. We saw the momma and 2 kittens but couldn't find the other 2 kitties. Anyway, as we were loading a hot water heater, I believe, one kitty poked its head out of its small opening. The poor thing was scared out of its mind. I then realized we had rolled the container onto the tractor-poor kitties (there ended up being 2 in there). Finally, all came out and were sent to the shed where most of their junked home had been put and they seem to be happy. As my mother used to say, "babies of anything are so cute".
Life is sad: today Dave used the chain saw to cut down a bunch of dead trees and branches. As we were cleaning up one tree, we saw a baby bird on the ground. I put him in his nest in the stump of the tree, but he was by himself just opening his mouth for food. I thought maybe his mother would come for him, but my mother-in-law said no. I grew very sad because the bird will die. Mom suggested to give it to the kitties which was apalling at first. It is sad because life was not meant to be filled with fallenness, sadness, illness, and death, but that is how it is since sin entered the picture. But then, God reminded me of the new life above and how the kitties would benefit. As far as I know the bird is still on the stump. I couldn't bring myself to transfer it to the kitties. I hope it is not there tomorrow. Otherwise I may have to dig for worms!
More family coming: Tonight, Dave's sister, husband and 2 kids are coming to stay a night or two. That will make 12 people in the house with one bathroom. It was a nice surprise though and should be fun.
School: my last paper I have to do stressed me out the other day and so yesterday, Dave, my mom-in-law, and I went to mom's school library to get it started and do some research. The kids went to the town pool for a couple of hours and enjoyed themselves (again, gotta love the country where my kids can go by themselves to the pool!). Anyway, now I am almost done with the paper thanks to my wonderful husband and mom. Again, I could never do this degree by myself.
Memories of my mom: As we were driving home from the movie last night, my daughter was talking to her grandma about holding her hand. She then started talking about Grandma Cullum (my mom) and talked about how she often would go down and hold her hand to warm it up because it was always cold. I know my children brought my mother much joy especially at the end of her life. Arianna was home with her the longest and would go down daily, warm her hands up, sit with her, and watch "cartoons". God showed me that He provided my mother some joy and comfort that she was able to grasp at the end of her life and I myself was much comforted. But, I still cried at the loss of my mother and am glad her and my dad are with God, the great Comforter.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
traveling and other tidbits
Traveling with me (Nancy) is exhausting-I admit it. Even I get exhausted. Usually, however, we are all mostly grateful for my full itinerary when it is over and we realize how much we did. Dave already mentioned the zoo, beach and Legoland. We then went to the other part of the zoo called Wild Animal Park in Escondido. It was blazing hot. We realized we were in the desert that day! (over 100 degrees with beating down sun) It was really cool though-except we could barely see the Tigers-too hot for them!!!!!!!!! We managed to come home and go to the beach again. The cold water was totally refreshing that day.
On Saturday, we went to Balboa Park in San Diego city proper (Near the zoo). It was a beautiful park with museums and gardens. We went to the Science museum which was excellent except we are not impressed with IMAX shows and felt gipped. (esp since it was an environmental one on the endangered Colorado River and had a lot of spiritism in it) We enjoyed the model railroad museum where all these retired men got to play with trains all day-what a life! We saw most of the gardens, got really thirsty and left to go to Seaport Village where we had a nice meal on the water. (Karen and kids met us around 4:30pm) We shopped til we dropped in the Village, had Ben and Jerry's ice cream, then finally called it a day.
Sunday, I crashed. We went to Karen's church, came home and ate lunch, and then went to La Jolla beach to see the seals. They were lounging and swimming on the beach there with several babies-again, what a life! Dave and kids went to the beach and I took a nap. I went to the beach later, but it was foggy and cool and they called everyone in within a 1/2 hr. I proceeded to sleep all night too.
Monday, we went back to Legoland to finish off what we had missed (the best part was the use of the 24 million lego bricks to make all the figures, animals, and buildings in the park). In the center was miniland which is Lego's rendition of several cities including: NYC, Washington, D.C., Las Vegas, Paris, San Francisco, San Diego, New Orleans, etc. It was so clever. I can't believe man's creativity but then, God is an amazingly creative God. We then ate lunch at this fabulous Mexican restaurant (at least 4 sporks, Colby) and went to Mission Capistrano, a late 1800's mission started by the Catholics in CA (there are 21 of them). I couldn't help admire how they evangelized all the natives (indians) there at that time period. The Mission was both interesting and beautiful-having a church with huge gold altar area and beautiful gardens. We shopped and looked around the small town of Capistrano and then dropped by San Clement which was also beautiful.
We came home to chill, eat dinner (of which I had none being so stuffed from the Mexican) and packed. We left at an ungodly hour on Tuesday-God bless Karen for taking us to the airport and for being such an amazing hostess for the whole week) and flew out on time to Omaha, NE. As soon as we got there, they had thunder storms and flooding but we made it through (Dave really loves to go driving though pools of water so it wasn't so bad). We made it to mom and dad's around 7pm and began our visit with them.
Yesterday, Dave got the golf cart running and the kids drove around in that in between playing baseball. We did laundry and hung it on the line which I find soothing. (I also enjoy doing dishes while I am here-again soothing and no dishwasher). The girls found the momma and 4 little kittens and started a relationship with them. They are adorable but I am glad they are outside. Elizabeth started her allergies to them, and David II and I are also allergic to them so further reason for them to be where they are. So we are a little more chilled out here, but that is good.
School: I finished the group class on June 13th. I enjoyed it-got to see Julia's delightful parents and grandmother again and spend time with Annie. I am trying to get back into running and thanks to Annie, I got up to running 2.25 miles straight which considering I couldn't even do 1.5 miles before, that was great. Now I just have to do all the post work which I have completed one paper and 2 tests and just have one proposal group paper left which I hope to start today. I am quite unnerved about tests since I have started this Master's, they are stressful to me and I keep getting in the 80's on them which pulls my whole grade down. I think I need a class on test taking and studying for them. At least I can write.
Dreams: I was reading Beth Moore's book called Breaking Free on Isaiah and getting out from bondage of sin, when I came across her statement that all little girls have dreams of being 1. married (bride), 2. being fruitful which usually means having children, 3. being beautiful. I decided to ask my 2 daughters if this was true. (It certainly was true of me from the time I was 10 years old) Elizabeth: My dreams are to be a fashion designer and travel all over the world. When asked about getting married and having kids, she said she didn't have to and that is not her dream! Arianna: To have a nice house, to have kitties, puppies, to live with someone (when asked to clarify she said married), to have a job (when asked which one, she said she would like to try them all but can't afford it), to go to church, to have 1,2,3, or 4 kids. I found these answers fascinating and realized that maybe Beth Moore and I generalize too much.
Eating: Being around Annie for a week was great for eating less. She really does eat when she is hungry (sometimes starving) and takes small amounts and then stops (fancy that idea-stopping the shoveling of food in one's mouth when one is full even if there is still food in front of oneself!) So I hope I have lost a few pounds but I can't tell since I do not have a scale (unlike my friend's uncanny ability to feel 10 lbs oozing out of him). So between controlling my eating and exercising, esp running, I hope to beat this middle age spread and slowing of metabolism. I also save money by splitting meals (did so with Karen, Dave, and Elizabeth whenever possible).
Thursday, June 19, 2008
20 years ago, part II
Hanging out at Legoland
Kyle and Jonny after getting wet
Kyle, Julia and Arianna getting ready to ride the boats.
Nancy and Karen
David intently watching the younger ones drive around the track.
We had a fun, busy day at Legoland. Everyone enjoyed it and they all ended up with some Legos at the end of the day. They weren't quite tired out so we headed back to the beach and the kids hit the waves for another hour.
Now they are watching Madagascar and mellowing out.
20 years ago today....
I have a picture from that night and that I'll try and scan in later.
Back from the zoo
It is about 10:15 California time. Back from a full day at the zoo and stopping by Coronado. Here are a couple of pictures:
Cami, we did see several monkees, other than our family. We also saw three pandas which were really cool.
Nancy's luggage came in tonight. David said that at least a part of mom made it to England.
Tomorrow we are off to Legoland.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
San Diego
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Day 2 - Musings
1. 95 degrees in Stafford. 54 degrees in Reykjavik.
2. Elizabeth tried to make a cake with Smart Balance instead of butter. Didn't work out to well.
3. David stayed home and got the remaining kids off to school on time.
4. Garman kids were over during deacon's meeting. No beds were harmed.
5. Karen Doheney is questioning my ability to make flight arrangements. In one week from today, we will be in San Diego having a great time.
6. It's 10:30 at night and I have no idea what we are eating for dinner tomorrow as we have youth group and Jonny has soccer try outs.